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Skribentens bildThe Swedish Teacher

Både Eller Båda?

Både or båda?Hej och gott nytt år!

A reader has sent me a question:

Can you give an explanation for the use of “båda” and “både”?

Thank you.


”Både … och” is a conjunction (”konjunktion” in Swedish). Here are a few examples:

Anna vill ha både jordgubbsssylt och vispgrädde på sina våfflor.

(Anna wants both strawberry jam and whipped cream on her waffles.)

Gösta talar både tyska och engelska.

(Gösta speaks both English and German.)

Restaurangen serverar både öl och vin.

(The restaurant serves both beer and wine.)


“Båda (två)” is a pronoun (“pronomen” in Swedish). A couple of examples:

Två bilar i krock. Båda började brinna.

(Two cars in crash. Both caught fire.)

Hur skriver jag ut på båda sidorna av papperet?

(How do I print on both sides of the paper?)

Do you have a question? Email me at

Have fun learning Swedish 2016!

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